Friday, February 17, 2012

Focaccia BLT w/ Mozzarella

Who doesn't like a BLT? Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, on a yummy bread. Awesome and easy lunch idea.
The boys had a blast eating this monster of a sandwich, and they are huge!
I bought this massive loaf of focaccia at the Bakery in Askews. Day old, so it was 3.50, I sliced in half, toasted under the broiler until nice and brown, then to one half I added my cooked bacon.
On the other half, I shredded some Mozza, and added tomatoes to the adult half...My kids aren't fans ha! And placed under the broiler for a few minutes. On the other side added my nice lettuce, I didnt use mayo or butter, the focaccia has tons of olive oil and herbs in it, tons of flavor. Put together, slice and serve!!
Thats a Munk size BLT. We devoured the whole thing!!! So grab some bread, and enjoy a BLT today!!!



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