Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pan-Fried Rainbow Trout

I went ice fishing with a good group of guys a couple of days ago, we were lucky enough to bring some home. Perfect size rainbow for the pan!! We cooked up 9 and ate every one of them!! A great meal to share with the family. The boys loved every aspect of it, catching, gutting, cooking, eating!!!


Rainbow trout
1 lime
1 lemon
2 tbsp butter
Salt and Pepper

Melt butter in pan on medium high heat. Rinse and dry your fish, season inside with salt and pepper, place a slice of lime and lemon in each fish. Score the fish about 1/8 inch deep, add to the pan. When the side facing you starts to turn in color approx 4 mins, turn and cook for another 4-5 mins.

Serve and Enjoy!!