Its not a hard sell in our house for waffles!! The boys love them!! Add in some home made canned peaches, bacon and eggs and you got a great Sunday Supper! Grab a waffle recipe and have this for supper tomorrow!!

We usually have bacon in the house, but only because at Superstore you can buy 2kg of bacon for 5.99...Dirt cheap. Its by the frozen chicken breasts, look for Olympic bacon ends. They are ends, and some times alot of fat, but pick through and you will get huge meaty chunks of bacon. Your call how much fat you want!! It tastes great, and I think we have used it 5 times already for meals and I still have 1/3 left.
Every summer we usually can some peaches. We are limited by pantry space so we only did 12. But so thankful....they are delicious.
Waffles are dead easy to make. I used the better homes recipe, simple but tasty. Hint of vanilla and cinnamon make these waffles sweet enough!!
Last Christmas my mother in law bought me real maple syrup! I had never had it, and she wanted me to get all fancy shmancy with cooking. Well Ma, I put it on waffles ha. But its a something that we just started using all the time now, We don't buy anything but real maple syrup. Wouldn't you rather have natural then processed corn syrup? It is costly, but trust me, its worth it!!!
thanks for the ideas!!! like the blog